Tuesday, 18 February 2014

The Dreaded: PAPERWORK

It is interesting learning about how chaos and piles and messes come to be.

DID YOU KNOW: That 75% of people do not have a paper system in place nor know how to even get started?


1)  Your 'mess' is not an indicator that you are a slob or incapable of organization, some people's homes are pristine yet they can't find what they need when they need it, whilst others live in piles of things and can find what they need when they need it...so to each their own!

2) All you are missing is a system that functions for you AND appeals to your eyes and brain allowing you to feel peace of mind and relaxed.

3) PAPERWORK can seem devastating, FIRST THINGS FIRST, stop piling horizontally!  Create a vertical system!  Use an organizer like the one below FOR YOUR CURRENT ACTIVE DOCUMENTS and label each slot according to a few simple categories + any specialized ones you require (in an order that works for your brain);


Stray away from the following;

GET CLEAR on your paperwork, what must be kept?  What takes the majority of time is sorting paper into like item piles.  Once you have done that, you can then store the paper properly or place them in vertical systems and manage them.

*IMPORTANT NOTE! Your ACTIVE filing system on your desk should have room to grow, once you have developed this system, mark down a reoccurring date once a week or every two weeks to scan through the filer and ensure you are up to date on filing and nothing is overflowing.

**BIG...BIG...HUGE HELP - EVERYONE empties their pockets somehow, be it in piles at the door or on your desk or into miscellaneous drawers...STOP!  CREATE AN INBOX FOR YOURSELF - one spot that you DUMP & GO, and the rule is YOU MUST GO THROUGH IT WHEN IT IS FULL - if you can do it before that point its less work for you and less likely to overwhelm you and cause you to abandon ship - SCHEDULE DATES & EXACT TIMES TO FOLLOW-UP so you don't FALL BEHIND!

These work great you can hang them anywhere: 
OR use a box that is sealable in case you need to conceal it quickly if clients or guests come over BUT MAKE SURE YOU BRING IT BACK OUT instead of forgetting it in storage or under the bed;

Helpful? :)  I believe in you, feel free to ask any questions below!

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